Author: admin

  • Four Types of Human Beings: Passion-Based, Task-Based, Responsibility-Based and Visionary

    Four Types of Human Beings: Passion-Based, Task-Based, Responsibility-Based and Visionary

    By Wewo Kotokay, Melanesian Conoservation Elders, Inc, inspired by the speech by Dr. Tahir with slight modification into Melanesian perspective. Human personality is a multi-faceted and complex, with individuals possessing a unique blend of qualities, characteristics, and traits that shape their thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Four distinct levels of personality have been identified – personal…

  • Five Worlds Five Worlds

    Today, Yud Shvat, is the yartzeit (anniversary of passing) of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, a.k.a. the Rebbe Rayatz, or the Frierdiker Rebbe. On the day of his yartzeit, it is customary to study his last maamar (Chassidic discourse), Basi LeGani. One of the themes expounded in the first chapter of this…

  • Four Worlds – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Four Worlds – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Four Worlds (Hebrew: עולמות ʿOlamot, singular: ʿOlam עולם), sometimes counted with a prior stage to make Five Worlds, are the comprehensive categories of spiritual realms in Kabbalah in the descending chain of Existence. The concept of “Worlds” denotes the emanation of creative lifeforce from the Ein Sof Divine Infinite, through progressive, innumerable tzimtzumim (concealments/veilings/condensations). As particular sefirot dominate in each realm, so the primordial fifth World, Adam Kadmon, is often excluded for…

  • Adam Smith, State Formation, and the American Revolution

    Adam Smith, State Formation, and the American Revolution

    By: Peter S. Onuf June 20, 2023, Source: Adam Smith, the famous Scottish political economist and moral philosopher, was also a profound and prophetic historical thinker who charted the progress of Western civilization from its “barbarous” beginnings to its culmination in the prosperity, politeness, and power of his own eighteenth-century Britain. Smith conjectured in…



    Published online by Cambridge University Press:  14 February 2022 Maria Pia Paganelli Abstract Adam Smith allegedly offers a model of economic development in both his Lectures on Jurisprudence and the Wealth of Nations—the so-called four stages of development model. The model presents a linear unfolding view of economic development from primitive to advanced stages. But Smith’s own historical examples…

  • ADAM SMITH AND STADIAL THEORY – Search Speaking of Smith…

    ADAM SMITH AND STADIAL THEORY – Search Speaking of Smith…

    John Burrow, 1/19/2020, January 20, 2020 source: Not only was this Stadial Theory of civilization helpful for understanding history and the past, it also allowed Smith to make sense of Scotland’s political, economic, and social transformations in the 18th century. Adam Smith, along with other Scottish Enlightenment figures such as David Hume and Adam…

  • The Four Worlds According to Kabbalah

    The Four Worlds According to Kabbalah

    Accessed 4 July 2024 at <> The Four Worlds are not places such as planets, but rather correspond to four “stages of removal” from Eyn Sof. These stages are another aspect of the “creation process” and do not conflict with the “six days” of Creation listed in Genesis. As the light of Eyn Sof move…

  • Theophisical Kabbalah: The Four Worlds

    Theophisical Kabbalah: The Four Worlds

    The Four Worlds May 8, 2018, Source HERE The notion that the universe is comprised of four “worlds,” or levels of reality, first occurs in 13th century Kabbalistic texts, but became more popular in Lurianic Kabbalah and then in 19th century Hasidism, and is especially resonant today. For contemporary seekers, it reflects the understanding that…

  • INTRODUCTION TO KABBALAH – The Sefirot and the Four Worlds

    INTRODUCTION TO KABBALAH – The Sefirot and the Four Worlds

    Taken from Source: Kabbalah and then in 19th century Hasidism, and is especially resonant today. For contemporary seekers, it reflects the understanding that existence is multi-layered,and in a state of dynamic flux. World expression: This moment in its truth; timelessSeparation: nonePrayer: The Amidah, meditationElement: FireTorah: Sod/secret In the Body: Brain, breathSelf: Faculties of Mind…

  • The “Four Worlds”: A Jewish Approach to Nourishing Yourself

    The “Four Worlds”: A Jewish Approach to Nourishing Yourself

    By Julie Tonti, Accessed today July 3rd, 2024 <> I walked out of my kitchen depleted and exhausted. I couldn’t imagine that guests were coming in less than an hour. It was Friday afternoon and the smell of paneer cheese in a rich tomato sauce wafted out of my kitchen. I was rolling out dough…